Monday 12 November 2012

What is Holistic Therapy?

So what does holistic mean anyway?

The term 'holistic' comes from holism which means the whole. In therapy, the terms 'holistic massage', and 'holistic therapist' are used to express respect that the whole is inherently greater than the sum of parts. 
Human beings are a unique creatures of mind (will), body (matter), and spirit, (energy). As these elements are so interdependent, holistic therapies do not attempt to separate them.

Mind, body and spirit

A healthy, relaxed and confident mind assists the body to function the best that it can. A cared for body nourishes the mind. Spirit or energy is our raw potential. Mind, body and spirit are the definitive trinity of each human being. The healthier the connections between these parts of us, the smoother we function, the greater our integrity.

Professional medical advice and procedures are invaluable and can be life saving. But many feel that visits to the GP can leave them feeling like a collection of symptoms. As Doctors are often overworked and have limited time, there is a focus on quick fix solutions (medications, surgery) rather than taking an in depth look at your life as a whole, and working with you towards a solution.

Many people now turn to holistic and complentary therapies to support their health care and well being.
 Holistic therapy can offer more time, and an approach tailored to you, with respect to whatever challenges you face. Holistic therapy should work with the inherent wisdom of the body - as opposed to battling a specific symptom. In this way holistic therapies can be a very empowering experience. They also focus on relaxation, and a nurturing environment where you feel comfortable and at ease, so treatment can be a positive experience.

Holistic therapy is there to keep people well and healthy and can help to prevent health problems arising in the first place. Anything that helps you to relax and be more 'in tune' with your body and mind will help to ward off illness and disease. In this way, preventative health care is like oiling the machine before it gets cranky in the first place!

Simplest answers are sometimes the most effective. Holistic therapy is natural and can benefit every system of the body. This holistic approach is nothing new - Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine alone have stressed the importance of a holistic approach for thousands of years. 

Ultimately the proof is in the pudding. You have to experience to really know. Find yourself a recommended therapist and give holistic therapies a try. You might just find that it is life changing!

Phoebe Riordan offers Holistic Therapy and Massage in Cornwall. To discuss call 07971300535 or for more information visit

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