Tuesday 27 November 2012

Advice to those with Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is any pain experienced for 21 days or more. If the underlying cause of pain remains a mystery, here are three potential culprits and their solutions. This article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, so if in doubt please contact your Doctor.

Problem: Vitamin deficiency

Solution: Eat more fruit and veg

Vitamin deficiency leads to a whole array of health problems, including lethargy, aches and pains. Fortunately it is easy to ensure a varied mineral and vitamin intake, by eating a wide variety of different coloured fruits and vegetables, and getting out in natural daylight every day. The colours of fruits and vegetables are an indicator to the different vitamins and minerals that they provide. Get the whole rainbow spectrum in your basket when you collect your food. Cook from fresh for each meal, and include raw salads too, so that you get the nutrients that your body needs.

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates

Problem: Poor posture

Solution: Awareness and Exercise

Poor posture will affect the balance of your skeletal muscles. This leads to certain groups of muscles overworking whilst others become lazy. It is important to avoid strain by unhealthy posture. Healthy posture can be developed by bringing an awareness to your movements. To elongate and straighten your neck, allow the chin to tuck in slightly whilst keeping your eyes level. Learn the difference between your shoulders being tense or relaxed. When standing, distribute your weight evenly between both feet so that you are not slouched on either one. Let your weight drop down through your heels. Dynamic, varied exercise can develop and maintain flexibility, range of movement and muscle tone. Yoga, Pilates and Qi Gong are invaluable assets to humanity so take up a class or get some inspiration on youtube. Physiotherapy and massage will also help you to release tightened and blocked muscle so that you are better able to function.

Problem: Stress

Solution: Mindfulness and relaxation

Could stress be triggering your pain? Stress often starts in the mind but very quickly has a very physical impact upon the body. We begin to shallow breathe and the muscles tense in preparation for action. Psychological stress and worry mounts when life gets too much to bear. However - unless you are literally under attack, this response is counterproductive. If you are physically safe, then stress is only an inhibitor to sensible action. Begin to notice your thought patterns. If feelings of stress are caused by anger, living in the past, or fretting about the future, then you will benefit from occupying your mind with the present moment, or that which you can be positive about.

Buddha's wise words on anger: 
"Holding onto anger is like taking the poison oneself and expecting the other person to die"     

Notice the beauty of the present moment and appreciate the small things, to anchor yourself in the present moment. Relaxation takes practice - regular meditation, yoga, and fun and engaging sports/hobbies are good places to start. You can also try massage therapy which is a great way to begin feeling more 'at home' in your body, and a good source of natural pain relief, if you find the right therapist.

Individuals suffering from chronic pain in Cornwall may benefit from postural analysis and massage therapy. At Mellow Massage in Corwall Phoebe Riordan treats those with fibromyalgia, polymyalgia, ME, sports injuries and complex chronic pain. Contact Phoebe on 07971300535 or go to www.phoebemaria.co.uk for more information.

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